Liv Hospitality Customer Persona

Located in Rapid City, SD, Liv Hospitality is a full service hospitality management company with properties ranging from hotels, restaurants, bars, casinos, and a large indoor waterpark.

Demographic Information:
Age: 20’s – 30’s
Gender: Female
Location: Midwest United States
Income: Middle class – lower upper class families and single individuals
Household size: 3-4 people including children

Psychographic Information:
Interests & Hobbies: Enjoys upscale, modern locations with several amenities and access to other locations. Enjoys time outdoors while also indulging in delicious food and drinks.
Values & Beliefs: Sustainability, career, relaxation, and productivity while having something for the whole family to do.
Lifestyle: Busy individuals with a high value for family time and enjoys social outings but with a balance of relaxing down time.
Motivations: Social status drives these individuals to stay in top of the line properties full of amenities, comfort, and high level of attention to detail.

Behavioral Information:
Buying Behavior: 2-3 times per year. Typically driven by holiday weekends, business trips, and summer breaks.
Customer Journey: Researches hotels in the Black Hills and sees several nice hotels connected to a waterpark or a casino. Researches which hotel fits their needs the most and books their stay. Upon arrival they notice that all the hotels on the property are owned by the same company and that their roomkey gives them access to amenities across the entire complex. Due to their immediate satisfaction of their experience, the customer now books the same resort each time they come through the area giving Liv Hospitality a lifelong customer.

Goals: Looking for a safe, reliable, and relaxing place to stay. This individual likes a mix of business and pleasure and is searching for a place to satisfy all their cravings.

Objections and Concerns:
A potential barrier could be the higher cost of Liv Hospitality properties While the costs are higher, they come with a wider array of benefits, discounts, and amenities when compared to other local hotel chains.

Influence: Blog posts, travel magazines, billboards, and digital ads all help influence customer decisions to book a stay with Liv Hospitality. Media consumed ranges from digital ads, Google Ads, billboards, and tv commercials in surrounding areas.


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